Caitlin Clark Reveals Her Wildest Childhood Competitions on David Letterman’s Netflix “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction”

Caitlin Clark’s competitive drive has been a constant throughout her life, even when it comes to something as simple as Halloween candy. The WNBA star, known for her fierce determination on the court, recently shared how her competitive nature started at a young age during her appearance on David Letterman’s Netflix show, “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction”.

Caitlin Clark Talks With David Letterman
In a preview of the upcoming episode, which airs on April 8, Clark recalls how she would rush from house to house during Halloween in Des Moines, eager to collect the most candy. “I was always so sweaty under my costume because I was sprinting between houses,” she remembers. “I just had to have the most candy. That was how I operated.”
Her father, trying to keep up with her, often lost track of her as she raced to get as many treats as possible. Clark humorously notes that her mom would get upset with her dad for letting her run off on her own. “She’d be like, ‘Why did you lose our daughter? Why is she running around the neighborhood by herself?” Clark recalls, laughing.
Her competitive spirit didn’t just show up on Halloween. She shared that her drive to win was evident when she first learned to ride a bike. On the same day her older brother learned, Clark insisted on taking off her training wheels so she could beat him in a race. Letterman joked about how this relentless drive influenced every aspect of her life, to which Clark agreed, acknowledging that sometimes it’s both beneficial and challenging.
Even during family gatherings, Clark’s competitive nature comes through. She joked about how her intense desire to win Christmas card games sometimes led to playful frustration from her relatives. “By the end of the night, everyone’s upset with me,” she laughed. “I won’t do that this year, though.”
This same drive has fueled Clark’s impressive basketball career. Last year, she earned the WNBA Rookie of the Year title and broke NCAA Division 1 scoring records during her senior season at Iowa, proving that her determination to succeed has led to remarkable achievements. People was the first to report the news.
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