During a time when the entertainment industry is reckoning with a pandemic and its own racial improprieties, a Black queer journalist has an app for that…

I began to ask, where is there a one-stop-shop for TV & film reaction, commentary, and discussion? Where is that community? This was the initial question Chris Witherspoon…

All of our favorite shows have something in common — we talk about them. At length. In depth. With enthusiasm…

Black-owned entertainment recommendation platform PopViewers has announced a collaboration with comedian and Family Feud host Steve Harvey…

Chris Witherspoon has been working in the entertainment industry long enough to feel the lack of diversity, so he built an app to amplify everyday minority film junkies looking for community…

PopViewers is a Black-owned technology startup with a focus on the amplification of diverse voices. Harvey will partner with PopViewers Inc. to elevate its mission of not only helping users…

Overwhelmed with your streaming queue? So was entertainment correspondent Chris Witherspoon, so he created a recommendation app powered by its users (and a little AI)…