Timothée Chalamet Shines as Bob Dylan: Inside the Highly-Anticipated Biopic ‘A Complete Unknown

(Searchlight Pictures)

(Searchlight Pictures)

Everyone from Queen, Judy Garland, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, to Elvis has received musical biopics. The next to join that list is Bob Dylan, often regarded as one of the greatest songwriters of all time. “A Complete Unknown” follows Dylan’s transition to electrically amplified music in 1966, a shift he spearheaded. Academy Award nominee Timothée Chalamet may earn a second Oscar nomination after “A Complete Unknown” releases on Christmas Day.

Timothée Chalamet’s Performance in “A Complete Unknown”

Stepping into Bob Dylan’s shoes is no easy feat, but Timothée Chalamet appears to have risen to the challenge, as seen in the trailer. Chalamet sings live in the film, capturing the iconic voice that Dylan is known for. He worked with the same vocal and movement coaches that Austin Butler used in preparation for “Elvis.” Butler’s vocal changes profoundly affected how he spoke in his daily life, and he earned an Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe for his performance in that film.

It will be intriguing to see how far Chalamet can take this film with his performance at the center. From the grip on the guitar to the signature hair, he commands the screen in the brief trailer, and we are eager to see more.

(Searchlight Pictures)

“A Complete Unknown” Soundtrack

The soundtrack will be released on the same day and will feature Dylan’s most famous songs in Chalamet’s style. While these songs are more imitations than renditions, it will be interesting to see which tracks are selected. The trailer showcases Chalamet belting out “Like a Rolling Stone,” Dylan’s signature song, which was ranked #1 on Rolling Stone’s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time in both 2010 and 2021.

Other famous Dylan songs expected to be featured include “Blowin’ in the Wind,” “Girl from the North Country,” and “Tangled Up in Blue.”

Dylan’s Relationships

While Chalamet’s portrayal of Dylan is the film’s focal point, the trailer teases glimpses of other significant relationships. His connection with the renowned singer-songwriter Joan Baez is a vital part of Dylan’s life and career. Baez was already an established artist and greatly boosted Dylan’s career by collaborating with him. Monica Barbaro plays Joan in the film; she is best known for her role as Phoenix in “Top Gun: Maverick” and in the Netflix series “Fubar.”

Another prominent character is Suze Rotolo, who is fictionalized as Sylvie Russo in the film. Rotolo famously appeared with Dylan on the cover of “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.” An artist, she passed away in 2011 at age 67. Elle Fanning portrays Sylvie Russo, known for her work on the series “The Great,” for which she earned Golden Globe and Emmy nominations. With both relationships depicted in supporting roles, the film promises to capture the spirit of Dylan’s life and career in the 1960s, including a teased love triangle that shows how his personal life intersected with his musical choices.

(Searchlight Pictures)

A Controversial Artistic Choice

A pivotal moment in Dylan’s career—and a focal point of the film—is his controversial decision to embrace electric instrumentation, which infuriated many in the folk community who viewed it as a betrayal of the genre’s roots. The trailer captures the tension and backlash surrounding this moment, featuring Chalamet’s Dylan defiantly strapping on an electric guitar and unleashing the iconic opening chords of “Like a Rolling Stone,” much to the dismay of his once-adoring fans.

A Glimpse Into The Creative Process

One of the film’s highlights is its portrayal of Dylan’s creative world. With a songbook of hundreds of famous songs, seeing Chalamet hunched over a notebook, scribbling the lyrics that would become anthems for a generation, promises insight into the mind of one of the greatest artists ever. “A Complete Unknown” also sheds light on the inspirations and struggles that fueled his groundbreaking work.

Release Details

Set against the backdrop of 1960s New York, featuring a stellar cast and outstanding musical performances, “A Complete Unknown” is poised to be a strong musical biopic. While this trope in cinema has become somewhat tired, we hope “A Complete Unknown” hits all the right notes. The film will be released wide in theaters on Christmas Day.

Watch the trailer below.

Patrick Curran is a distinguished entertainment editor at popviewers.com, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the digital... More about Patrick Curran

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